Thursday, October 28, 2010

Space Junk - Enough is Enough!

Earth's artificial satellites form a halo of s...Image via WikipediaHave you ever thrown your socks behind the couch and forgotten about them? Maybe a fish sandwich that has fallen behind the fridge during the summer holidays?
You could go your entire life without noticing the missing socks or fish sandwich, but what about your children when you die? I found a redskin once in couch once from a previous owner and was about to eat it but found 50 cents so I decided to buy a new one.
Space junk is exactly the same, except the difference is that instead of redskins, socks and sandwiches causing only misery to me and my next-of-kin, space junk is EVERYONE'S couch and behind of fridge.
This means that someone from the other side of the world can dump nuclear waste in my couch. This makes me sad. 
Surely NASA have a giant broom or net, similar to those used to clean swimming pools? Perhaps a large satellite vaccum cleaner like one of those street cleaners I've always wanted to drive...
I must do something about space junk. NO MORE SPACE JUNK!
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